Monday, June 15, 2009


just a quick update before going to bed. training is going well did a nice hard ride up mt hamilton over the weekend man is that one hell of a climb. today went out for a nice recovery ride and came pretty close to running over a snake which scared the crap out of me. training overall is going pretty good only 3 short months until cross begins!!!! time to start stepping up the training.

until next time

Friday, June 5, 2009

planning my trip

so even though the trip is months away it is already starting to come together.  Flight has been booked for october 14th leaving from SFO to BRU.  should be a fun 14 hours on a plane.  bikes and wheels are all purchased and waiting to be ridden. housing looks to be taken care of will have final comfirmation in the next couple weeks.
only about 5 months till i get to tear apart belgium cross 1 race at a time